2022年12月15日 星期四

【Using ChatGPT to design language teaching and learning materials 運用ChatGPT 於語言教學和素材設計的例子】

 【Using ChatGPT to design language teaching and learning materials

運用ChatGPT 於語言教學和素材設計的例子】

最近Chat GPT 這個open AI 很夯, 美國密西根州立大學的教授Frederick Poole 針對這個強大的AI 工具分享好幾個可以運用於語言教學活動或素材創作的例子! 以下簡列教授提到的應用方法,建議有興趣的讀者們可以看全文: https://fltmag.com/chatgpt-design-material-exercises/?fbclid=IwAR0s8988Q89yAtOeKDzyi5WPASgHEdJ8-2jv0ECAQ-AFyJksdJbEkUSumQ0
(科普短文, 文章和例子都好懂)!
🥸 What Materials Can You Create with ChatGPT?

🚩Create Customized Texts Customized to Your Needs
Example 1: You can ask ChatGPT to write you a narrative in the first-person perspective about someone who bought a new house but does not like it as much as their old house in Spanish (or any other language). Then you can get more specific and ask ChatGPT to compare and contrast each room in the house.
Example 2: you could ask ChatGPT to write a dialogue with two people arguing over the prices of coffee in Paris in French. Table 2 below shows the output for a dialogue about expensive coffee.
🚩Make More Texts Based on your First Text
Once you have generated the texts you can also ask ChatGPT to make the text simpler (See Table 3) or more complex.
🚩Generate Comprehension Questions, Expansion Questions, and Vocabulary Lists

🥸 What Kind of Activities Can We Design around ChatGPT?

🚩Compare AI-Generated Texts to Authentic Texts
🚩Compare AI-Generated Texts to Student Texts
🚩Compare Student-Generated Texts to other Student-Generated Texts
當然, 文中也提到, AI工具不是萬能, 像是若是設計中文題目, 翻譯並非完全正確,

2022年7月20日 星期三

【YouGlish 看影片學發音/單字/語言使用/聽力: Use YouGlish to improve your English pronunciation/vocabulary/pragmatics/listening 】

 【YouGlish 看影片學發音/單字/語言使用/聽力:

Use YouGlish to improve your English pronunciation/vocabulary/pragmatics/listening 】

三月中在美國匹茲堡的年度TESOL 英語教學研討會中有許多一線老師和教授分享用YouGlish 的方法. YouGlish 是個線上語言學習網站,輸入單字或片語會從 YouTube 找出對應影片,讓用戶觀看影片學習正確的發音,在真實情境中學習效率更是高! 昨天介紹的"I mean" 作為pragmatic marker 也適用這樣的學習方式, 光是美式英語, 就有376342 個短片可以看! 讓學生進行inductive analysis, 搭配metalinguistic discussion 和explicit teaching. 也可運用在聽力和單字教學. 可自訂播放速度還有即時字幕對照。除了有七種英語種類可以選擇, 網站標題處還可選擇法文、西班牙、義大利、葡萄牙等語言發音。

【"I mean" 的使用時機& How to teach "I mean", the pragmatic marker through corpus-informed materials】

 【"I mean" 的使用時機& How to teach "I mean", the pragmatic marker through corpus-informed materials】

近年來第二語言教學和習得研究領域吹起一股研究如何教導學生語言使用(語用學)的方法的研究風, 這篇研究文章用托福學術口語語料庫歸納出三種 "I mean" 在英語的溝通功能,並提出一份50~60分鐘的教案.
🤓 "I mean" 有三種溝通溝能:
1. Argumentation management: elaboration, self-clarification, self-correction (modifying a claim).
2. Communication management: gaining time/organising thoughts or information.
3. Interaction management: softening the tone to demonstrate politeness
🤩🥳 50~60 分鐘教案(有興趣者可連絡作者要文章來看,裡面有整個活動設計和學習單)
🐤Student level: high intermediate/advanced (CEFR B2-C1)
Lesson 1: Discovering the multiple functions of I mean
Lesson timing: 50–60 minutes Materials needed:
🚩Corpus excerpts for lead-in (Appendix 1)
🚩Guided discovery of communicative functions of I mean using handout with corpus excerpts (Appendix 2)
🚩 Explicit metapragmatic explanation: Checking answers (for matching exercise) and generating strategies (Appendix 3)
🚩Homework handout (Appendix 4)
期刊文章連結:Caprario, M., Taguchi, N., & Reppen, R. (2022). Corpus-informed instruction of the pragmatic marker I mean. The Language Learning Journal, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/09571736.2022.2088439

2022年2月19日 星期六

動態電子書對提升第二語英語閱讀理解的效益/ How can animated e-books be designed and presented to promote second or foreign language reading comprehension?

See my research article in English Teaching & Learning, a high-quality international journal published by Springer.      


Free 2 read link:  https://rdcu.be/cGDEb

Watch the one-minute video summary of my research results and implications on

 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5CXdWLIpyU

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you want to learn more about my future research!!!

I will create an accessible, viewer-friendly video summary for each research article I publish in the

 future. Stay tuned for any updates!  



請見Clara 老師的教學部落格/ See the above teaching blog for more information. 

2022年1月22日 星期六

Free e-books on Task-based language teaching,免費的任務型教學法/學術知識 新書下載

 兩本免費的任務型教學法新書下載!   ~~~超佛心!  

1. 喜歡用任務進行教學的老師不要錯過下載 (2021)

免費電子書的機會喔 🥰😍🤩
Martin East 教授,
內容豐富精彩喔!下載 Link: https://bit.ly/3lF2K7m
Martin East, current President of the IATBLT, is excited to be able to announce the release of the GOLD OPEN ACCESS version of his latest book … FREE and accessible to anyone, anywhere due to generous funding from Future Learning Solutions (New Zealand). Do share with anyone in your networks who may be interested. https://bit.ly/3lF2K7m (source: IATBLT FB Page)

2. Pedagogical Realities of Implementing Task-Based Language Teaching  (2022)


   Free download: https://www.jbe-platform.com/content/books/9789027258168

2022年1月21日 星期五

6 Ways to Evaluate Games for the Classroom

Source: http://blog.tesol.org/6-ways-to-evaluate-games-for-the-classroom/

 6 Ways to Evaluate Games for the Classroom

Hello and welcome to this end of the year edition of the TESOL Games and Learning Blog. For this month’s edition, let’s examine what should guide our implementation of games into classroom practice. If game-based learning is to make the shift from a focus on the games themselves to a focus on pedagogy (Spano et al., 2021), there needs to be more careful consideration of how we implement games in our classroom practice.

The brilliant Carol Chapelle, in Computer Applications in Second Language Acquisition, established six criteria by which we can evaluate computer-assisted language learning tools, and these criteria are a great way to consider how to best fit games into our classroom practice. Let’s take a look at what Chapelle recommends.

1. Language Learning Potential

What to ask: Does the technology allow for my students to acquire language or use the language in practice?

Often, games for the classroom can be selected because of their engagement or the ways they motivate students, but the focus should be on student learning. If the game does not have explicit ways in which the students can acquire or learn language, then it is up to us to create learning opportunities around the game. For example, see the March 2021 blog post, “Language Learning With Among Us.”

2. Learner Fit

What to ask: Does the technology match my students’ (and my) needs and abilities? Will it be easy for them (and me) to use and understand?

Arguably this criterion can apply to us more than our students. If you are not an avid video gamer, consider how well you will need to know the game to use it effectively in class. If you are not familiar with a game, it can be helpful to watch “Let’s Play” videos on YouTube that show and explain games, or to look for games firmly established in educational practice, such as Minecraft.

3. Meaning Focus

What to ask: How can I use this technology to enable learning? What do I want to teach with this technology?

When using technology, the teacher must decide how to use the technology to teach specific language material. With games, educators can often struggle to define what it is they hope to teach by using it in the classroom. This always highlights a lack of connection between the game and the learning objectives or course goals. If you find yourself struggling to connect a game to your course objectives, it may help to explore the process of backward design—in short, do not pick the game to play in class until the lesson objectives have been clearly defined.

4. Authenticity

What to ask: Does the technology let my students use their language in creative ways? Do they get to see and use language in a specific context?

What is great about games is the ways they can present players with open-ended problems that have no clear solution. It is up to the creativity and ingenuity of the player to invent a solution. Be sure the qualities of the game match the expectations of student language output. If a game stresses creativity and discovery, consider matching it with an active classroom activity versus a worksheet, for example.

5. Positive Impact

What to ask: Does this game motivate and encourage students to collaborate and work together or create conflict? How do we balance these different goals to create a positive learning experience?

People play games for varied reasons, some to compete and some to socialize. When bringing a game into class, consider what each student may want out of the game and create groups appropriately by putting the competitors together and those who enjoy collaboration in a group. A great starting point can be checking out Bartle’s Taxonomy of Player Types.

6. Practicality

What to ask: Can I use this in my classroom?

After positive impact, this is the most important criterion for technology in the classroom. Think about ways you may need to change approaches depending on your students and classroom and what technology you and they have. After all, a great game is all about mechanics, and not flashy graphics. If you do not have computers, is there a mobile version of the game? How about a board game that has the same mechanics, or can the game be played with pen and paper?

2018年12月25日 星期二

【Over 50 Reusable Activity Sheets to Teach Any Day’s New York Times】

有在用New York Times 教英文的老師們可能會知道紐時免費提供的writing prompts. 
但除了寫作活動, 紐約時報還提供超過五十種的活動學習單,

這些活動大致分成四種類別: General Graphic Organizers, Games and Fun,
Discussion Starters, Word Play.

有的可以直接在檔案裡打字. 有的活動還有給老師們的教學指引. 
這些學習單大多是萬用學習單, 套在任何一篇紐時的新聞甚至其他英文報紙的新聞都通, 很實用!

2018年11月22日 星期四

Turkey trot

Turkey trot 是美國感恩節當天早晨舉辦的慢跑活動, 美國人當天會和家人聚會, 吃著豐盛的火雞大餐, 為了再吃大餐前消耗熱量, 才有早晨的慢跑活動! Happy Thanksgiving!

Turkey trot is a fun run or footrace, usually of the long-distance variety, that is held on or around Thanksgiving Day in the United States. Traditionally, turkey trots are held because Americans anticipate indulgent Thanksgiving feasts and run in turkey trots to burn off calories before the big meal.[citation needed] Turkey trots are also held in the United Kingdom, usually shortly before or after Christmas Day
[source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkey_trot ]

Photo credit:


2018年11月12日 星期一

【Makebeliefscomix’s new feature: e-greeting cards】

這網站推過很多次, 有好幾款e-books 可以下載,
(國小到大學都有適合的電子書, 除了可以印紙本,
另一個功能就是製作漫畫, 功能更新後,
可以傳e-greeting cards, 目前總共有43 種可以選擇。
有的greetings card 就是一般的問候,
有的是針對節慶, 感恩節、聖誕節、復活節、新年….
之前分享過個功能, 但臉書有時候觸及率頗低,


【Wordsift.org: A great online website for learning vocabulary, reading,etc.】

l   網站特色: 免費, 幾個主要功能: word sorting (word cloud), a visual thesaurus, links to Google images and videos, and example sentences
l   還蠻推word sorting 這功能的, 可以依據使用者所選的文本產生文字雲, 幫助學生學單字外, 文字雲也可以被用來設計pre-reading activity,像是predict the main idea of a reading passage (依據雲中的文字大小和關聯,學生便可以猜測文章大意)。文字雲還可依字母順序排列或是按常見字到不常見字依序排列。
l   Visual thesaurus 則顯示文本中某個單字和其他幾個相關單字的關聯性,像bilingual 會跟bilingualist, multilingual, polyglot, linguist 連結在一起。

l   Links to Google images and videos則是將在文字雲中所選的關鍵字連結到google 的圖像或影片。根據dual coding theory相關的實證研究結果,這種設計對單字學習頗有幫助,也考量了不同學習型態(learning styles)的學習者的學習偏好。