2017年3月28日 星期二

【Five fantastic websites for English teachers】

Resource: https://www.facebook.com/EDTECH4BEGINNERS/videos/1838201923060963/?pnref=story

1. The literacy shed:  http://www.literacyshed.com/

2. The visuword: https://visuwords.com/  
   (already introduced in this blog) 

3. Dogo news: https://www.dogonews.com/
   (already introduced in this blog) 

4. Fun English Games: http://www.funenglishgames.com/

5. Primary resources: http://www.primaryresources.co.uk/

【Ted talk:What I learned from 100 days of rejection】


Jia Jiang's journey through rejection revealed a world hidden in plain sight, where people are much kinder than we imagine.

Why you should listen

Jia Jiang is the owner of Rejection Therapy, a website that provides inspiration, knowledge and products for people to overcome their fear of rejection. He is also the CEO of Wuju Learning, a company that teaches people and trains organizations to become fearless through rejection training. In 2015, he authored a bestselling book, Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection.
Several years after Jiang began his career in the corporate world, he took a life-altering risk and stepped into the unknown world of entrepreneurship. His result was everyone's biggest fear: rejection. This was the catalyst that set Jiang on the path to his true calling.
To conquer the fear of rejection, Jiang embarked on a personal quest and started a blog, 100 Days of Rejection Therapy. His journey revealed a world that was hidden in plain sight -- a world where people are much kinder than we imagine. He discovered that rejection can be much less painful than we believe and that the fear of rejection is much more destructive than we know.
Jiang grew up in Beijing, China and migrated to the United States at age 16. He holds a Bachelor of Computer Science from Brigham Young University and a Master of Business Administration from Duke University.

100 Days of Rejection 

Study Questions & Answers:   
1.      Why did Jiang want to start out the journey of rejection?  
He wanted to conquer his fear of rejection and left his six-year-old self behind. 
Then, he was inspired by the creator of rejectiontherapy.com and embarked on the journey of rejection to get his idea of rejection.    
2.      What was Jiang’s initial reaction to rejection in his life?  
He ran away from rejection and was afraid of rejection.  
3.      What requests Jiang made were mentioned in the clip? 
1.      Borrow 100 dollars from a total stranger
2.      Request a “burger refill” 
3.      Get Olympic Symbol Doughnuts 
(* Youtube clip:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ax2CsVbrX0 )  
4.      Plant a flower in a stranger’s backyard 
5.      Be a Starbucks greeter
6.      Teach a college class  
4.      What did Jiang learn from rejections?
Mention doubts people might have before making a request. People might gain 
trust and say “yes.”  He can fulfill his dream by simply asking.  
5.      What did Jiang do after 100 days of rejection?    
He embraced rejection and thought rejection is the biggest gift in his life. He started to teach people how to turn rejections into opportunities by using blog, giving talks, and his book. He is even building technology to help people overcome rejections.  

Examples of big shots who faced severe rejections in their lives: 
People who really change the world, who change the way we live, and the way we think, are people who were met with initial and often violent rejections. People like

Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and Jesus Christ. These people did not let rejection define them. They let their own reaction after rejection define themselves. And they embraced rejection.   

2017年3月19日 星期日

【Storybird: Digital Storytelling, 練習英文寫作的好工具 !】

相信想進行數位說故事(Digital storytelling) 的老師常遇到的困難
就是害怕科技不好用, 訓練學生要花很多時間.
 但我很推薦這個Storybird 的網站,
 這樣在創作故事的時候, 就不用同時要自己畫圖,
(BTW, 圖案都超漂亮的, 女生們應該會尤其喜歡這樣的作業XD)
 學生可以單獨創作, 老師也可以讓學生進行小組合作~
註冊方便, 可以辦老師帳號來掌握學生創作的進度並評量學生的作品.
 學生作品完成後, 可以選擇是否公開或是只有學生本人和老師才能觀看.
 可以分享到社群網站, 還可以下載成PDF 檔,
 也可以製作成一本書 (沒錯! 就是像圖書館架上的繪本書!!! 須付費~)
 Storybird 絕對是個能夠讓學生進行authentic task 的好工具
✿ 研究&實務:
就會有authentic audience 的概念,
 會有動機想把作品做好, 也會覺得這個task 能跟真實生活連結!
兩位學生不約而同選擇同個模板 (雖然有很多模板可以選擇)
 1. http://storybird.com/books/drc-his-monsters/
2. https://storybird.com/books/the-lazy-boy-29/?token=mzzfk7342q
✿ 分享: 我另外做了一個針對 storybird storytelling task
的peer review/ evaluation sheet (英文版, 有兩頁), 給學生互評~
有興趣參考/索取的老師公開分享此篇貼文後可以FB 私訊我喔!


2017年3月15日 星期三

【Integrating grammar teaching into songs: 唱歌學文法】


This is a website in which grammatical points were integrated into English songs.  A great reference source for English teachers indeed !

【課堂暖身活動: Warm-up activity】

Source:  歐陽雅婷老師 

現在在教最高級 我喜歡教第二課又會包含第一課比較級複習 像螺旋式一樣
我給了他們五組字 每組裡有三樣東西 
( Canada China Taiwan
candy coffee Oreo
August December May
bears elephants eagles
bananas pears guavas)每組字想兩到三個形容詞 準備比較級 最高級造句
給學生一人一顆MM巧克力 (他們不知道要幹嘛用)
我抽問 各組拿到橘色或紅色或黃色....mm的人造句起來講句子
評審是我。 我會給正確且有創意的組別分數
Winner 獎勵就是考試不用罰寫兩次 只要訂正

創意教學點子來源 (Souce of creativity):   



2017年3月9日 星期四

【16 Free websites for English Learning】

Source: https://www.1111.com.tw/discuss/discussTopic.asp?cat=NTU&id=115507

Duolingo這個平台不只有網站的學習服務,也提供手機與平板版本的App,支援iOS、Android 和Windows等不同系統。因此不僅能在家中電腦使用,通勤路途中也能以智慧裝置隨時學習。開始時,使用者可以先創建一個虛擬帳號,並著手進行初學者課程,若通過測驗就能跳過初階課程、選擇進階課程。
2.Open Culture
Livemocha 網站提供35種語言的學習捷徑。這個平台最特別的服務,是創建了一個Livemocha社群,讓用戶免費與來自190個國家的母語人士做交流。
Busuu在全球有5000萬用戶,是相當受歡迎的語言學習平台。和Livemocha一樣有線上社群,可以和全球各地的母語人士練習,此外還有由專家舉辦的單字字彙比賽。在英語學習方面,Busuu提供全球規模的英語檢定測驗(Global Scale of English Tests,簡稱GSET),供想測試自己實力的用戶嘗試,通過測驗的用戶可以取得證書。
6.Learn a Language
Learn a Language是由美國語言協會(U.S. Institute of Languages)所開設的學習平台,成立宗旨在於弭平不同語言帶來的溝通隔閡。網站視覺化的語言選項分類讓使用介面一目了然,便於用戶操作。
7.Mango Languages
Mango Languages有龐大的語言課程資料庫,提供超過60種語言課程,像旁遮普語這類只流通於印度旁遮普邦和巴基斯坦旁遮普省等少數地區的語言,在Mango Languages也找得到。Mango Languages提供網頁版與APP版,方便用戶在任何地方使用。但與其他免費平台相比,Mango Languages是比較昂貴的,一個月要價20美元。只有身在美國或加拿大的用戶,才能夠運用當地公共圖書館免費使用。
8.Transparent Language
Transparent Language是付費的的語言學習網站,但提供免費試用的服務,或者使用者也可以在網站留下email資訊,網站將寄送免費的語言學習資源到電子信箱。Transparent Language提供的語言學習種類超過100種,如果想要學習別人都不會的奇特語言,可以試試這個網站。
9.Surface Languages 
如果突然被外派到外地出差,卻完全不懂當地語言,Surface Languages是一個很適合在出發前逛逛、臨時抱佛腳的網站。網站提供生活單字、常用片語與簡單生活用語的發音,例如數字、月份、時間,以及「請問這多少錢?」「這太貴了!」等實用會話。網站也有一些幫助單字記憶的小遊戲,如填字遊戲。幫助使用者在短時間內學習足以應付生活的語言。
BBC Languages這是個適合零基礎語言學習者的平台,上面提供基礎文法、字彙、聽力的影片及文章,約有40種語言學習。
13.Foreign Services Institute
Foreign Services Institute一個由專業語言學家編輯的網站,上面用的是最傳統的學習方法,有很多文章及聽力測驗,約提供45種語言學習。
VoiceTube由台灣團隊開發的 VoiceTube 平台,透過優秀的技術把 YouTube 上大量新聞、廣告、微電影變成看影片學英文的教材,對學生來說是一個寓教於樂的服務。
15.Ted Talk
Ted Talk如果你想要同時學習新知識與新語言,那麼 TED 是最佳的入門選擇,進階的話你可以開始去找那些國外的 MOOC (開放式線上課程)來學習。

16.Amazing Talker
Amazing Talker針對口說能力加強的線上學習網站,裡面也有台大教師教外國人中文。