2016年7月12日 星期二

【Video Dubbing Task: Practice Speaking & Writing 練習英語口語和寫作】

✿ 教學步驟

1. 要學生看影片 (無文字只有音效) 看幾遍
2. 學生回家擬稿, 可以先是擬比較完整的影片情節
3. 老師批改學生稿子中的文法錯誤和提供建議
4. 學生改正, 並將稿子修正成為可以和影片速度同步進行的長度
5. 學生試唸兩次稿子, 熟了後即可開始用手機錄音
6. 將錄完音的檔案和影片放入 WeVideo 編輯( 將兩者混和在同一影片)  
 (default 選新手,  網站會自動設計懶人包的編輯,  摸一下就會知道如何編輯嘞!) 
7. 成品大功告成~~~  學生覺得很有趣 XD 

✿ 教學建議

** Video Dubbing Task 的簡單版就是若學生程度沒那麼好, 可以找有聲的影片, 先讓學
生聽影片內容, 並提供稿子給學生, 讓學生做閱讀, 發音和口語練習. 老師之後將原影片的聲音
去除, 並要學生照稿子錄音, 之後做成影片.  類似讀者劇場的概念!   
**分組合作學習很適合, 也可減輕老師批改文稿和觀看影片的負擔!  
**建議影片不要找太長的, 大約2-3 分鐘,  畢竟這活動有點耗時!  
**這活動的benefits 是有實證研究, 請見:  https://calico.org/html/article_132.pdf

✿ 教學配件

** 不得不推WeVideo 啊! 可用FB/ Google/ Yahoo 帳號 log in. 
    或是自己create 一帳號,  一個帳號可以免費出版 2 分鐘影片/ 月 
    影片出版可以選要公開或是只限本人或share 的幾人看!  
** WeVideo 除了可加入聲音檔, 要在影片上加字幕 (caption) 也okay 喔!  

WeVideo: Free online video editor & maker 

✿ 學生成品  
範例1: https://www.wevideo.com/view/665443241

範例2: https://www.wevideo.com/view/721642314

✿範例1 學生寫的稿子 
【Easy Life】
In the dark night, Jessie is studying, and she feels tired. She yawns and sleeps on the desk. Then, the elf of the pen is called Hebe suddenly moves up and writes Jessie’s HW. In the morning, Jessie wakes up and sees Hebe is writing her HW. She is very surprised.
She says “Oh! You finished all of my HW?” 
Hebe just smiles and doesn’t reply.
Jessie is very happy, and all of the answers are correct. Then, the school bus comes, and Jessie catches the school bus.
After Jessie comes back home, she shows her report card to Hebe. The report card shows A Plus for all the school subjects.
Jessie says” Thanks so much, I got A Plus on all of the subjects! Can you continue helping me to write my HW?”
Hebe answers” Of course! I’m happy to see you got a good grade. Let me help you to win more prices!”
“Okay, then I’m going to play my video games. Thanks a lot!” Jessie replies.
Hebe finishes the HW very quickly, and Hebe grows up a little. Jessie gently touches Hebe’s head and says “Good Job! Hebe.” 
After that, Hebe always helps Jessie write her HW, and Jessie is always playing her video games. Because Hebe writes Jessie’s HW every day, her body is growing bigger and bigger.
One day, Jessie gets an award of “Excellent Progress Student” She never gets this kind of award, and she is extremely excited about this achievement. But when she gets the award, Hebe becomes as large as Jessie, and Jessie doesn’t care because she just wants Hebe to write her HW every day.
Another morning, Hebe wakes Jessie up. Jessie sees Hebe take her school bag.
Jessie says “Wow! You want to go to school? Then I can stay at home! How great it is.”
Hebe gives the video games to Jessie and says “Yes, I’m going to school. Have fun at home!” 
But the strange thing happens, Jessie’s hands starting become small and so does her body. Jessie realizes it and shouts, “Oh…I’m so stupid. That’s my retribution!” Then, Jessie becomes a pen, and Hebe goes to the school instead of Jessie…
From this short film, we can know that if we don’t work hard, bad things will happen to us. Also, if we work hard all the time, one day we will succeed and lead a great life. It is common wisdom, and everyone should follow it because that’s the only way to achieve your goal. All in all, we should never give up, and always work hard!

