2018年6月29日 星期五

【Rewordify.com: Simplify difficult English for faster reading comprehension】

兩個月沒貼文了, 來推薦一個網站, 叫做
Rewordify.com  (https://rewordify.com/index.php). 
這網站特別之處在於用一些較簡單的單字替換難度較高的文章或課文段落, 協助老師製作閱讀教學素材, 或學生理解閱讀的文章內容. 若是把滑鼠移到其他沒被"簡單化"的單字上, 並用滑鼠點一下, 還會出現該單字的英文定義(以former 為例, 因為可當形容詞或名詞, 就會出現兩種詞性的定義). 還可協助老師製作不同的活動學習單或考卷! 而且點選stats, 還會出現文章的難度分級(是採用國際上公認的Flesh-kincaid test 喔)~ 大推🤗🤗!

點畫面上方的Print/Learning activities 就會跳出以下文字:
Select which type of printout you want:
* Original text (no rewordification)
* Rewordified text with highlighting
(New: highlighting can print in color)
* Vocabulary list with definitions
* Vocabulary list without definitions
* Word bank quiz
* Matching sheet
(column of terms and column of definitions)
* Standard quiz
(answer choices randomly picked only from words on quiz)
* Difficult quiz
(answer choices randomly picked from over 58,000 words & phrases)
* Cloze activity
*Text with vocabulary (text on left with hard words underlined; definitions on right)
* CSV export for importing into a document or online studying program
*Generate answer key (available for starred options)
Rewordify (https://rewordify.com/), a website that allows users to simplify an entire website in addition to allowing them to copy-and-paste text into its website for adjusting the difficulty of a text to the level of learners. It is best for students who can almost read at grade-level and only need help with a limited number of words. For example, Rewordify can be used when studying current events. If students are reading an article from The New York Times, teachers can paste the article into Rewordify to define or replace difficult words. This feature allows students to read the same content as their peers, allowing them to participate in class debates, discussions, and other assignments which derive from readings (recommended by Samantha McManus, Celena Chin, and Ozge Yol, authors of idiom, a quarterly newsletter for New York State English teachers).

