2016年4月29日 星期五

【節慶小活動, 適合搭配句型來複習! 】

轉貼自我同學的教學ideas  (適用國中生) 

[Donna's 節日Poker]
感覺還不錯! 以下是玩法~ 歡迎有興趣的夥伴一起討論!
Target Pattern:
1. What's the date today?
2. It's April twenty-fifth today.
3. When is _______? (e.g., Mother's Day)
4. It's on May eighth.
1. 學生一人兩張A4紙,每張折成16格,共32格
2. 其中12格寫節日(e.g., Father's Day)、4格寫date
3. 其中16格通通寫日期(數字) e.g., 1/1, 5/5 (上面有的節日,必須寫出相對應的日期)
4. 卡牌分成兩堆,一堆節日牌,一堆數字牌
5. 每人三張節日牌、三張數字牌,節日牌必須維持三張,不然就違規
6. 抽籤決定誰先出,必須先出節日牌(e.g.,丟出一張Mother's Day),然後說When is Mother's Day?
7. 下一個玩家手上若有5/8,即可說It's on May eighth. 若沒有5/8,他可以決定從數字牌中抽1~3張,或pass
8. 若一輪後,都沒有人有5/8這張牌,就輪到第二個玩家出節日牌,以此類推
1. 吃到節日牌,即得兩分(1張節日、1張數字日期),手上剩餘的數字牌,扣1分
2. 舉例來說,若A吃到Mother's Day還有Christmas,他就得4分,但手上剩餘3張數字牌,就扣3分,所以實得分數是1分
一堆人連續出好幾張Mother's Day
結論是,Where's Father's Day??!!! XDD




【美式英文? 英式英文? 不再傻傻分不清楚!】

有時候美式英文和英式英文用法的不同容易產生溝通或閱讀上的誤會。這網站提供近100 組日常生活常用單字,包含食衣住行娛樂的美式英文和英式英文單字拼法或用法的比較,每個字卡只有四個單字,可以每天或每週規定自己記憶一定的單字量喔XD!教學教到類似的單字也可以順勢補充給學生知道,讓小編忍不住要推!


British & American English

2016年4月28日 星期四


Poetry as authentic materials for ELT .
Here are two great websites: 

For elementary school students  

For middle school & high school students  

以下謝謝Veronica Lu 老師分享
四月是National Poetry Month, 除了介紹短詩給學生,打算讓學生創作鑽石形式的詩。說起寫詩,很喜歡以前就介紹過的NCTE的資源區👍👍👍提供相關教案和工具,家長或老師可在裡面找尋靈感,或直接用NCTE裡附的工具,照著提示引導學生印出格式漂亮的詩🌹
* 鑽石形式的詩的web工具:http://www.readwritethink.org/…/interacti…/diamante_poems_2/
* 離合詩的web工具: http://www.readwritethink.org/…/reso…/interactives/acrostic/
* Theme poem的web工具:http://www.readwritethink.org/…/r…/interactives/theme_poems/
* 鑽石形式的詩的教學教案&app:http://goo.gl/JdwPqb
* 離合詩的教學教案&app : http://goo.gl/IW9E7k

2016年4月25日 星期一


當年常常逛書店,加減都會買一些教學資源用書,這一系列的書我應該是收集得很齊全,從一開始的Ideas & Issues,一路買到Ideas & Issues 依程度所出的不同版本,都被我一網打盡啊!(呵呵⋯⋯可以想像小人在下為何不是富婆的原因了吧!)


Ideas and Issues: Intermediate Student's Book with Workbook

2016年4月21日 星期四

【Classroom Management: 班級經營10 tips 】



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student's strengths - Brilliant or Insane
One of the most important roles of a classroom teacher is that of classroom manager. Learning cannot take place in a poorly managed classroom. Conversely, the best classrooms provide environments where teaching and learning can flourish. Follow these tips and you’ll improve your classroom management skills immediately.
10 musts for effective classroom management
1 – Maintain clear expectations: Teachers must work with their students to establish clear, mutually understood, expectations for behavior by establishing clear rules and procedures.
2 – Be positive:  Focus on each student’s strengths and the amazing things they, with your help, can accomplish. While difficult, never hold grudges against students; treat each day as a new day.
3 – Be proactive: Routines help create a positive and safe environment. By providing consistent structures, teachers are proactively implementing strategies that will eliminate, or at least limit, disruptions. Of course, problems will still arise, but proactive teachers can nip little problems before they become bigger ones. By constantly scanning the room and intervening when necessary, a proactive teacher demonstrates heightened awareness and responds quickly to possible disruptions.
4 – Be non-combative: Don’t ever engage in an argument or confrontation when confronted with unruly behavior. If necessary, take a deep breath–or two or three–to ensure you keep emotional distance and to allow yourself to formulate an appropriate response. Responses to misbehavior should be firm, specific, and unapologetic.
5 – Get to the root of the problem: Kids do well if they can. High-needs students are most likely struggling because they lack the skills necessary behavioral and social skills. Ask students what they really want? What is motivating them to make these choices? Look beyond the behavior and focus on the motive.
6 – Reflect: As important as it to identify antecedents to inappropriate student behaviors, it’s equally important to identify what triggers your negative emotional responses. Examine your least favorite student behaviors, those that “set you off,” and how you normally respond. After doing so, reflect on the situation and on your actions, or seek the advice of other educators to either eliminate the issue or better respond to it when it occurs. Ask yourself: How can I respond so that I’m supporting the student instead of getting emotional sucked in?
7 – Never seek compliance: Forced compliance for little things doesn’t work. It doesn’t teach accountability and severe consequences and punishments don’t induce learning. When we kick students out of our classrooms and schools, we are essentially telling them, We cannot handle you. While students need to be held accountable, we must teach them the skills necessary to be successful. To do this, we must meet our students where they are and teach student conduct.
8 – Be fair, not equal: Legendary basketball coach John Wooden said, “I treat everybody fairly but not equally.” Academically, we differentiate instruction for struggling students. We don’t ask a student who cannot read at grade level to read an excerpt from the class novel aloud, so we shouldn’t expect a student who doesn’t have the social skills to behave the the same way all of her classmates do. While holding true and strong to our clear expectations, we must also differentiate for students who struggle socially or behaviorally.
9 – Nurture relationships: The most obvious of the 10, is for teachers to take a personal interest in each student. Greet students at the door, and for challenging students, take a minute or two each class period to celebrate student successes, and don’t limit these successes to what goes on in your classroom. Recognize students for making a sports team, for performing in a concert, and allow student to recognize a peer’s accomplishment.
10 – Be true to yourself: Students see through fake veneers, so make sure all of your actions reflect on how you would like your students to see and remember you.
These 10 musts for effective classroom management will build a sense of community and a safe learning environment by fostering relationships between the teacher and students, leading to increased student achievement.
So, is there an 11th classroom management must? Please share yours in our comment section below.

2016年4月19日 星期二

【用poker chips 玩分組海報製作&發表 poster gallery 遊戲:高中版】


所以,昨天第一節課就安排在本校的群組教室上課,每四~五個人一組,使用一部電腦,我給了孩子們大約25~30分鐘利用電腦軟體製作海報(大部分都用PowerPoint, 也有人用Publisher), 接著我就給了每組6500元的籌碼,告知每組有1~2人要留下來講解,其他人就是要巡迴各組,像逛攤位一樣去聽解說,並且決定要把手上的錢捐給哪些組。

2016年4月18日 星期一

【新聞英文報紙創作: 教高中可用! 】

Kalie Chen 老師分享: 

配合三民版第二冊第七課The Power of the Press
除了內容有趣外, 學生對於排版也很有想法


2016年4月15日 星期五

【Naughty Words: 用手機App 學多益/ 托福單字】

推薦一個免費, 有趣可以學多益/托福單字的app,
已試過, 好玩!
(目前有的內容還在研發中, 相信日後會有更多的學習內容)
App Store / Google Play 都可以下載!
* 類似的免費 app: " TOEIC Game"
讓學習者在玩遊戲學600 TOEIC詞彙~~~

2016年4月14日 星期四

【國小& 國中版英語桌遊: Penguin's Cookies 】

~~~~~Pinky 老師分享桌遊教學活動 (有國小 & 國中版) ~~~~~
自製美語桌遊---Penguin's Cookies 企鵝寶寶的餅乾 
(機制參考無文字遊戲Pete the Cat)
1. 發下空白小卡,請學生分作兩疊,一疊用英文寫下人物,可以寫名人(如:Michael Jordan)、
   可放進來使用(如: do dishes)。
2. 將所有學生完成的小卡混洗後分成人物卡與動作卡兩疊擺放,猜拳決定出發順序,
3. 每位玩家輪流擲骰,依擲到的點數移動棋子前進,以順時針方向進行,然而,
4. 根據走到的泡泡格子顏色執行以下動作:
(如練習1:Michael Jordan can dance. 或練習2: Michael Jordan dances.) 
(如練習1:Can Michael Jordan dance? 或練習2: Does Michael Jordan dance?)
要求學生分別寫下表示現在、過去及未來的時間副詞,如: every day, last year, next week等等)。
(如練習1: Sam took a bath last year.(沒錯我的學生就是抽到這個組合讓大家笑得很開心,
但換個角度想他們能記起來最重要) 或練習2: Tom will play video games next week. )
(如練習1: Tina has studied Spanish since 2002.
 或練習2: Tom had learned English for three years.)


【DoGo News: Interesting & informative news 有趣又知性的新聞英文文章】

【適用對象】全民英檢中級以上-高級學生 (高中- 大學/ 研究生)
這網站文章有趣, 但有一定難度.
Video of The Week 會稍微簡單些, 見以下example:
學生只要點該單字就可看到音標, 英文解釋和好幾句例句,
每篇文章最後面還有Reading Comprehension Questions
(小缺點: 是比較local 的問題而非overall comprehension)
和Critical thinking Challenge.

碎碎念: 最近學生通過相當全民英檢中級的劍橋國際英語認證
閱讀是四個skills最低分(雙語國中的課本都跟磚頭一樣厚重, 但
有沒有細讀課文又是一回事了), 想說來幫他補強! 增進閱讀能
力的同時也補強字彙量! 雖然字彙不簡單~ 之後應該會融入News Journal.
雖然他寫作已有高中程度, 但閱讀完" 新聞英文"
的文章後寫Journal 我目前尚未try!

2016年4月12日 星期二

【 WoW...青少年版的National Geographic 電子雜誌! 】

  先感謝老師們分享& 索取我上篇貼文(FB creation task) 的學習單
  因為正在寫e-books 有關的主題的碩論   涉略廣泛
  發現大部分的電子書都是偏文學 (fiction) 性質  
  難得看到 " National Geographic Young Explorer"  
 有Audio narration !!! 除了閱讀還可以聽文本 ^O^
 從2012 年九月迄今, 像雜誌一樣, 每月出一本
 適合全民英檢初級- 中級程度的學習者(國小- 國中)  
 也有Teacher Guide (內容很豐富!) 
 至於高中/ 大學生, 很推附帶的資源  
有很像真實National Geographic 的電子雜誌可以讀,  
這會是個很好的資源 (雖然雜誌數量不多 ><)!   
App Store or Google play 也可以下載他們的app:
National Geographic Explorer for Schools (關鍵字搜尋)

類似的學習資源:  http://www.dkfindout.com/us/

【FB Profile Creation Task: DIY名人的臉書檔案^O^】

(索取空白檔案見以下兩步驟。迷之聲: 自以為有人會想要XD)
底迪設計了林書豪的FB 個人檔案(圖一)
還有Nike 的粉絲專頁(圖二)。
(http://www.ettoday.net/news/20160309/659663.htm) ,
用在英文教學也是有趣的,除了可以練writing, reading & speaking,
又可以教”digital literacy” & “creativity”!
1.先補充Basketball terms (投其所好,和學生相處三年,知道他最愛籃球棒球),
   以協助他創造籃球名人的FB 貼文 (結果他沒用上, 都自己想自己寫)。
   若是教公立學校的國中生,建議可以搭配課文(某版本有一課課文剛好在講Jeremy Lin)!
   FB po 文的撰寫盡量符合/ 模仿想要創造的人物的口吻,同時可以融合網路語言
  (所謂的”digital literacy”其中一個重點就是使用該medium 會使用的語言!) 。
  學生有特別去看想創造的人物的FB當參考, 也真的有模仿該人物說話的語調 (就甘心!)。
1.“公開”分享貼文 (mode 設定是公開)
2. 私訊”索取FB creation task 檔案” + 一句自我介紹


Jeremy Lin's profile

Fan Page of Nike

【適合Preschoolers & 小學生的literacy skills learning 互動網站】

感謝Caroline 老師(FB Fan Page: Caroline  TEFL Journey) 
Starfall的字母拼讀(短母音與長母音) 互動練習網址整理

字母a-z 26首歌曲分享,只要點入字母,就會連到歌曲影片喔~
跟 Pinterest 一樣,Symbaloo是書籤網站,可以彙整您所存取的網路資源,方便找尋資料。

2016年4月7日 星期四

【Book Wizard: 測英文文章難易度的好幫手! 】

感謝 Veronica Lu  老師分享!!! 
有時教師或家長幫孩子選書,很想知道這本書是否適合孩子目前的興趣和程度,除了看書評外, Scholastic的Book Wizard是很棒的參考工具。 使用方法:進網站打書名(以The giving tree為例)我勾Lexile的分級(美國中小學所使用的閱讀分級系統)會出現左下角的資料:這本書適合的年級,和Lexile的分級字數。📚

2016年4月6日 星期三

【Email 寫作:正式 vs 非正式用語】


一.  用字「難」還是「簡單」?
  • I have to apologize that….
  • Sorry that…..
In additionAlso而且
acceptableOkay, OK可接受
二.  動詞用了「片語」還是「單字」
  • Give me time to consider.
  • I'll think about it.
比起來第一句就更正式。片語think about相較於單字consider更口語。正式語言多用單字,非正式用片語。來看更多的例子:
substitutefill in職位代理
increase/decreasego up/go down增加/減少
handledeal with處理
omitleave out刪掉
causebring out造成
requireneed to需要
discoverfind out發現
establishset up設立
representstand for代表
arriveshow up到達
三.  是不是用很多簡寫?要人儘快回覆,正式語言會不憚其煩用as soon as possible,但非正式會直接用ASAP,熟人之間的溝通會用很多像BTW(by the way),FYI (for your information)、Plz (Please)、THX(thanks)之類的表達。
四.  正式句子長,非正式句子短:正式Could you please let me know if you are available for a meeting on 12th April?
非正式Can you get back to me ASAP?
五.  一表搞定
稱謂Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs. Johnson,
Dear Jane,
Hi/Hello Jane,
提醒Thank you for your email of…
Further to your last email…
Thanks for your email.
Re your email….
為什麼寫I am writing with regard to…
In reply to your email, here are…
Your name was given to me by…
Just a short note about….
I'm writing about….
Please note that….
主要訊息We are able to confirm that…
I'm delighted to tell you that…
We regret to inform you that…
We can confirm that…
Good news!
附件Please find the attached file.
I am sending you …as a PDF file.
I've attached….
Here is the ….you wanted.
要求I'd be grateful if you could….
I wonder if you could….
Can you….
Could you….
承諾I will investigate the matter.
I will contact you again shortly.
I'll look into it.
I'll get back to you soon.
信末Best regards (謹此致意)
Regards/ Kind regards (致意)
Speak soon

2016年4月4日 星期一


Pull-Out vs Push-In ESL Programs in Elementary Schools - See more at: http://blog.tesol.org/pull-out-vs-push-in-esl-programs-in-elementary-schools/#sthash.6eNHZT4s.dpuf

After lively discussions on the NJTESOL/NJBE member hotlist and during a Twitter #ELLCHAT, I realized that pull-out ESL vs. having ESL teachers push-in to the general education classroom is still a hot-button issue for practitioners in the field. I invited Monica Schnee, an ESL practitioner in River Edge, a K–6 district in New Jersey, to write a guest blog on this issue.  Monica has gone from teaching exclusively using a pull-out ESL model to mostly coteaching, and I feel that she sees the benefits of each model. Her ESL program is a NJ model program  benefiting all students and practitioners. 

Pull-Out ESL Instruction
Pull-out ESL instruction means that the ESL teacher pulls students out of the general education classroom to work in a small group setting in another room. During pull-out instruction, ELs miss instruction that takes place in the general education classroom. Some ESL teachers pull out mixed-level proficiency groups while others pull out by proficiency level (i.e, newcomers, beginners, intermediate, or advanced students). Some practitioners believe that teaching to meet the needs at each proficiency level is beneficial. Others find that students need that mixed proficiency level to receive comprehensible input +1.
Push-In ESL Instruction
During push-in instruction,  the ESL teacher comes into the general education classroom to support ELs during content-area lessons. The ESL teacher may be supporting ELs during a mini-lesson next to her students while the general education teacher is teaching, or he or she may wait until instruction is completed and then work with ELs in a small group in the classroom.
There are different configurations as to how to group ELs in small groups and where in the general classroom. One popular push-in model is collaborative or co-teaching, where the ESL teacher instructs side by side with the general classroom teacher, at times leading, at times interjecting with specific language pieces, or at times modeling language strategies for all learners. He or she generally calls on ELs so they get a chance to participate in oral discussions while she scaffolds language for them to communicate effectively and move on the language trajectory.
In both cases, coplanning is needed to define the lesson objectives. This can be done by email, short conversations, using google.doc, via text, or sharing a common planning time.
The Debate
Our NJTESOL/NJBE hotlist discussion was very heated, with practitioners at each end of the spectrum. Here are some of the exchanges:
It (push-in ESL) does not work very well; I do not recommend it at all! Students never get a chance to practice speaking nor do they really benefit. You are correct in that they never really develop the grammar skills they need to be successful writers. I know that push-in is the new wave and teaching grammar and reading skills directly are “old fashioned” but there is a reason ESL texts have a scope and sequence, it worked!
POE (Port of Entry) students need to be taught outside the classroom. They are not getting anything out of whole group instruction. I hear your frustration.
I would like to politely disagree with the anti push-in sentiment pervasive in many of these responses. I have done both pull-out and push-in for my ESL students and I can honestly say that both methods work quite well in our district. In fact, I am finding that push-in is every bit as effective/productive as pull-out.
The push-in model is more than providing support; it is planning lessons and teaching parts of the lesson to the whole class, including the non ELLs.
I believe it is crucial for us to be part of general education/content-classroom instruction, whether in a push-in or a coteaching model. In my experience, push-in works amazingly well if properly implemented, particularly in the primary grades. I have found that the key to students’ success is to offer ESL instruction in the classroom and also to pull out ELs at the lower levels of acquisition for an extra ESL period a day to meet the social-instructional and basic academic language needs. I call this a hybrid model of ESL instruction.
Best of Both Worlds: A Hybrid Model
A hybrid model requires buy-in from administrators, professional development for classroom and ESL teachers, and the willingness to collaborate and not work in isolation with a closed-door policy. It is easier for us to pull our students out of their general education classroom, to teach in small groups in our rooms with our strategies and materials at our own and their pace. The affective filter may be lower, they take risks using language, and the results may be faster. However, their lives are in the classroom except for the times we pull them out. Supporting our ELs in the general education classroom accomplishes:
English learners benefit when teachers are
  • scaffolding lessons so that they have a chance to shine amongst their classmates and participate in classroom instruction, discussions, projects, and assignments.
  • immersing them in a continuous communicative experience with their monolingual peers in order to acquire English.
  • implementing comprehensible input +1 so they can learn in their own setting.
  • allowing them to stay in the classroom every day so they don’t feel “different” from their peers.
Teachers benefit because they are
  • collaborating in planning lessons that include language, skills, and content goals ELs need to perform successfully.
  • modeling best practices/strategies for ELs and for all learners.
  • demonstrating what makes us language experts and what we can contribute to instruction.
  • working in small groups after the lesson is delivered, just like teachers differentiate throughout the day.
  • scaffolding so ELs can participate at every level of proficiency in accountable talk, academic conversations, and tasks.
  • providing a continuity of instruction that is seamless for the learner.
  • learning what the quality of a monolingual’s speech is like.
  • ensuring that our students’ experiences are valued the same way as those of their monolingual peers.
These are a few reasons why we should move to this hybrid model, combining push-in or coteaching models for all ELs while additionally pulling out newcomers and very low-proficiency students to support them in small group instruction.
In everyday life, we all work in groups with people who have different levels of skills and competencies, language being just one of them. Replicating real life in the classroom is a way to teach life skills to all students.

Monica Schnee has been in the field of education for more than 15 years. She is an educator/ESL coordinator for  River Edge Public Schools in New Jersey.  She also teaches assessment in the second language classroom at a graduate school of education. She collaborated on the Interdisciplinary Unit Exemplars for ELLs and on the Model Curriculum for the NJ Department of Education.  Monica is also a WIDA Certified Trainer, a contributor to the “Supports for ELLs” for the Preschool Implementation Guidelines for the NJDOE Division of Early Childhood, and a past member of the Bilingual Advisory Committee and the NJTESOLNJBE Executive Board.

About Judie Haynes

Judie Haynes
Judie Haynes taught elementary ESL for 28 years and has been providing professional development for teachers of ELs around the United States since 2008. She is the author and coauthor of seven books for teachers of ELs , the most recent being “The Essential Guide for Educating Beginning English Learners“ with Debbie Zacarian. She is founder of the website everythingESL.net and was a columnist for the TESOL publication "Essential Teacher." She is also cofounder and comoderator of the Twitter Chat for teachers of English learners #ELLCHAT.
- See more at: http://blog.tesol.org/pull-out-vs-push-in-esl-programs-in-elementary-schools/#sthash.6eNHZT4s.dpuf