2022年7月20日 星期三

【"I mean" 的使用時機& How to teach "I mean", the pragmatic marker through corpus-informed materials】

 【"I mean" 的使用時機& How to teach "I mean", the pragmatic marker through corpus-informed materials】

近年來第二語言教學和習得研究領域吹起一股研究如何教導學生語言使用(語用學)的方法的研究風, 這篇研究文章用托福學術口語語料庫歸納出三種 "I mean" 在英語的溝通功能,並提出一份50~60分鐘的教案.
🤓 "I mean" 有三種溝通溝能:
1. Argumentation management: elaboration, self-clarification, self-correction (modifying a claim).
2. Communication management: gaining time/organising thoughts or information.
3. Interaction management: softening the tone to demonstrate politeness
🤩🥳 50~60 分鐘教案(有興趣者可連絡作者要文章來看,裡面有整個活動設計和學習單)
🐤Student level: high intermediate/advanced (CEFR B2-C1)
Lesson 1: Discovering the multiple functions of I mean
Lesson timing: 50–60 minutes Materials needed:
🚩Corpus excerpts for lead-in (Appendix 1)
🚩Guided discovery of communicative functions of I mean using handout with corpus excerpts (Appendix 2)
🚩 Explicit metapragmatic explanation: Checking answers (for matching exercise) and generating strategies (Appendix 3)
🚩Homework handout (Appendix 4)
期刊文章連結:Caprario, M., Taguchi, N., & Reppen, R. (2022). Corpus-informed instruction of the pragmatic marker I mean. The Language Learning Journal, 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1080/09571736.2022.2088439

